Sunday, September 03, 2006

We don't need no stinking Badges.

See, now this is the downside to vigilante or mob justice. Sometimes due process is a nice thing, like when a vigilante mob beats and kills the wrong guy. Say what you want about swiftness and motivation, mobs hardly ever have good intell.
On another vigilante note I just read about the "Guardian Angels" returning to the streets of Baltimore after a 20 year absence. The group is more neighborhood watch than vigilante, but they wear "distinctive red berets", which I find hilarious. And not just because of the berets. See I just got Liberty City Stories for PS2, and like all grand theft auto franchises its full of cars, violence, side missions and a hint of vigilantism. There's one particular side mission where the character wears a uniform (green jacket and black beret) and finds fellow "Avenging Angels" walking the street to ride around and dispatch local gangs. Come on, that's funny.

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