Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Almost Too Smart.

So I'm an alumni of a prestigious institution.  How prestigious?  Very.  And one of the responsibilities of being an alumni of prestigious institutions is contributing to fund its programs; or at least dodging the undergrads who call and ask for contributions.

I got an email about a month ago saying that the annual phonathon was starting up again, and that it really does make the student's day to get an alumni contribution, I took immediate action.  I mean I could just hear the crestfall on the other side of the line when I declined to fund initiatives that are transforming my beloved Alma mater.  And no one wants to hear that.  So I looked up the phonathon number and saved it in my phone under "St Mary's phonathon- DON'T ANSWER!" and promptly forgot all about it.

Until recently when my phone rang and I looked to see who was calling...  Bam, no more depressed students, giving away perfectly good money, or talking on the phone.  Win-freaking-win.  So I guess you have to ask yourself, am I a bad man?  Or are you just jealous you didn't think of it first?

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