Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spot Of Tea, You Jackass?

You are goddamn idiots. Pardon my french. First off, you've been talking about tea-bagging for the last two months with virtually no idea what you're saying. (aside from the testicle thing) The Boston Tea Party was a protest about taxation by a foreign government that afforded no representation to the populace. You are represented, we had elections, you just lost. So if you're unhappy with the way our government is spending tax money, you can write to your representative or wait till his term is up. But know that while there may be 10,000 of you that object, there's millions more that trust our elected public officials. So the entire symbol for your "movement" is wrong. Like Jon Stewart said "You're the minority now, its supposed to taste like a sh*t taco."

Furthermore, if you wanted to have the Boston Tea Party's effect, you would find some way to lower your taxable income. I'm guessing buying teabags to dump on the ground as part of a grass-roots protest doesn't qualify as a deduction. So you might just end up working less, giving away more or just not paying your taxes and accepting whatever consequences that entails. Oh, you're not that upset? Well eff off.

And the slate article points out that your political label is becoming quite outdated, especially as Democratic priorities are made forefront. "Protests by definition oppose the status quo, which conservatism is supposed to defend. Protesting for conservatism is, to borrow a phrase, like fucking for virginity." You're gonna have to think of something else to call yourselves soon, I'm thinking something along the lines of "goddamn idiots". I'll see you out there next month with your "I object to protesting" picket signs.

Next up, you object to "this administration's" wasteful government spending. Yeah, it sucks that all the damn banks collapsed and that they made so many bad loans for so long. But have you really forgotten about the last 8 years already? The hands off 'regulation' that allowed this to happen in the first place and the $700 billion Bush urged Congress to approve before he left office? And how much money that we didn't have was spent on a discretionary war? And the "pork filled budget" was your effing representatives trying to spend federal money in your districts. Creating jobs and paying Americans in tough times. Plus we get new roads, smart electrical grids and renewable energy out of the deal. How is rallying behind an expensive, unwinnable, unjust war 'patriotic' and re-investing in America with socially beneficial programs not? I guess I didn't get that memo.

After all of 4 months in office, you're so tired of the cleanup effort that you just can't keep silent any more? You're blaming the chemo instead of the cigarettes. In all honestly too many Americans have been playing with pretend money, up to our eyeballs in debt. It never really made sense to me, but I've always thought that you should be able to pay for what you buy. We (through the government) are finally paying for the reckless lending and spending that we've been taking part in for the past decade. That's the price of the new American Dream of "something for nothing". Maybe a new depression will jolt us back into the strangely coherent motto of "work hard and live happy" that made us a world power to begin with.

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