Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Oh John, We Hate You Too.

How to alienate younger generations of voters:
1) be older than sin
2) admit you don't know how to use or care about the internet
3) tell people that do use the internet that you hate them
“Now we’ve got the cables. We’ve got talk radio. We’ve got the bloggers. I hate the bloggers."
I hear ya John, I hate the talk radios so much it almost hurts. Just the thought of all those whippersnapping 45-60 year olds using wireless frequencies and coiled wires to say things about what they think; makes my blood boil.

I feel like this is gonna be my new catch phrase. Every time something goes wrong; like when I stub my toe and veins pop from my forehead in rage as my face turns red and blood pressure skyrockets, I'll exclaim "I hate the bloggers." It'll be great.

1 comment:

Kirk said...

thats racist!