Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hello, [reader name], Nice Day To Read Blags, Isn't It?

This is kinda funny.  If you're not creeped out about surveillance and tracking and whatnot.  Mini owners (the car, not small persons who hold property) in major cities that enroll in a program will see personalized messages displayed on Mini billboards as they drive by.  The system works by retrieving data wirelessly from the key fob in the car and generates a message based on survey information the user has filled out.  (Like telling Kate that its a nice day for her convertible)  Kind of neat but also kind of weird that people volunteer to be advertised to about a product they've obviously already bought.

I could see someone striking up a deal with EZpass to do much the same thing; of course it'd have to be an opt-in situation or risk massive privacy invasion.

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