Monday, November 05, 2007

Key Neuter.

I'm sure you think terrible thoughts about your CapsLock key.  You probably mutter vague threats and bad mouth it to all the other keys when its not looking.  Sure, its easy enough to disable it or rip the key right off of the keyboard, but come on.  We're not barbarians.  And sometimes, just sometimes, you might actually want to turn on the CapsLock.  Then where would you be?  Well, fret not, cause I've got your back.  The script below will half-neuter your CapsLock key so that if you hit it instead of the shift key you'll never know.  And if for some reason you do want it on, just double tap to activate.

CapsLock ::
if A_PriorHotkey = CapsLock
if A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500
SetCapsLockState, on
SetCapsLockState, on
keywait, CapsLock
SetCapsLockState, OFF

Oh, and if you don't run AutoHotKey I spose I could whip up an .exe for you.  Of course it seems wasteful to run that and only modify one key, so you really should just get AHK and modify your own script.  Its super easy and makes you look like a keyboard ninja.

1 comment:

Kirk said...

make one that turns off the Windows Start Menu key.
