Thursday, March 13, 2008

So... You Can Just Make Things Up?

Its always interesting when the Catholic Church decides to change something about the way they do business. Seems like most of the dogma is rooted in age-old tradition; except when they decide otherwise. Yes, there are seven more deadly sins out of the Vatican, just in case you had those first seven under control.
  1. genetic modification
  2. carrying out experiments on humans
  3. polluting the
  4. causing social injustice
  5. causing poverty
  6. becoming
    obscenely wealthy
  7. taking drugs
Yep, there's just something about a one word sin that seems more official. Sloth, envy, gluttony, greed, lust, wrath, pride; now those are some solid, well thought out concepts. These new ones are just too wordy; and ironically not wordy enough. Just imagine all those psych students wasting away in a lake of fire for experimenting on humans, dog breeders damned for creating a labradoodle, or just about ever human who's used electricity. Or maybe the doctor providing gene therapy to a child struggling for life, who incidentally is also taking drugs.

Yep, the Catholic Church has done it again. We're all going to hell and need the church more than ever. Oddly enough "becoming obscenely wealthy" seems to exclude those who've already secured their obscene wealth - like the Catholic Church. There's also nothing about child molestation or manipulating people with fear...


Unknown said...

Weird. List I saw had pedophilia.

Kirk said...

isnt not going to church one of them too?

nice post

Unknown said...

Here is a list including pedophilia and drug DEALING: