Friday, March 02, 2007

One Card To Rule Them All.

Freaking club cards.  You've got to sign up for them to get basic sale items at most stores these days.  Unless you've got the mettle to run the gambit of assuming the cashier will have one to swipe for you.  Course that's no good if you're often in the self-checkout lines.  So I've got accounts at a bunch of stores cause its just wasteful if you don't.  But I don't really carry the cards, I just punch in my phone number, cause having 10 more cards in my wallet would make a Mt. Fuji in my back pocket. 

But wait.  Look at . They let you type in your bar code number and store name and put up to 8 tags on the front and back of one card.  Awesome.  I saw a lifehack a while ago about cutting and taping your cards into one master card, but this is even better.  I'd even pay a small fee if they'd send me a laminated version in the mail.  As it is you print out the sheet and are left to your own devices.  Do you have any laminating devices?

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