I'd never watched any Battlestar Galactica. I figured it was for those guys playing D&D in the basement of the freshmen dorm. But as fate would have it I was cruising through Amazon Unbox's free downloads last Friday and there was a "The story so far" that I decided might be worth free. So I watched a 3 season recap in about 45 mins.
Aww Crap. I like space battles and explosions and robots. And the production quality was way better than I thought it would be; I was imagining Dr Who in the mid 60's. Now I think I'm gonna have to watch this show. See what you're making me do, Writer's Guild? You're broadening my horizons. Damn you. Of course I didn't want to start watching Arrested Development either; and that turned out to be the best show ever. So you never know. Anyway, if you think you'd like a Star-trek-matrix-terminator-apocalyptic-war show, or are desperate for new shows to watch, give it a chance.
That happened to me with 30 Rock. I watched the entire season 1 on Netflix.
now, in 2019, when they settle the writers strike I'll be a weekly viewer.
BSG is totally worth your time. Can't wait til March when the last season airs.. yes, I said last. But thankfully it was a writer decision in order to do the storyline justice and not because the network cut it.
And over the summer, check out Eureka. That's another great show on Sci-fi
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