Monday, January 14, 2008

Playing Through The Pain.

Ever Wonder what 110 consecutive holes of frisbee golf feels like?  Its not good.  In fact you might not even realize that you're still playing for the last half round.

I will say, I've never played 6 hours of golf before.  But that's probably because I've never played $5 a hole before either.  Skins is a brutal animal and I'm pretty sure we need to set up some limitations before we even attempt something like this again.  Like 3 rounds max.  Cause I agreed to 1 round at 5 bucks a hole;  maximum losses of 55 dollars.

But that's where gambling gets you.  I was down like 20 bucks after the first round so I obviously wanted to play again.  And even when you're winning you can't stop playing cause the other fellas want a chance to make some cash back.  And all of a sudden you find yourself on the course at 8 in the morning playing golf like some kind of hippy-zombie.

It was a lot of fun though, and during the course of 10 rounds you make some sweet shots.  I holed the bell tower.  I two'ed the shoe tree.  I hit that tough two shot over the parking lot on the second hole- on two consecutive rounds.  But eventually you have to pack it in, I mean I'm not some kind of frisbee machine.  Oddly enough none of us were in a state to compute the winnings.  It ended up 49, 38, 22.  Which comes out to 109 holes of golf.  (yeah that's one point short, but I think only missing one point after 6 hours is pretty good.  And I bet it was my point anyway, keeping me just shy of 50.)


Five Cubed Skipper said...

I think the problem was not the should have played the Calvert loop some too. Especially if you're playing that many would certainly breakup the repeating cycle...or perhaps you did play that loop but didn't mention it.

Unknown said...

Just counted and I think our regular course was about 33 holes, give or take, depending on the night. I am not sure I would have wanted to do that three times running even with by then young arms, shoulders, hips, etc. And I know if I tried now my arm would be in a sling for week.