Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I Learned It From Watching YOU!

Remember that swath of new bandwidth that's opening up for wireless transmission? Google and Verizon had a steel cage death match bidding billions of dollars for rights to it, and eventually Verizon took home the prize. (mostly because Google only wanted the space to be operated openly and the FCC mandated that if a certain bidding threshold was passed it would enforce open operation.)

Well now that Verizon has dragged its kill back to the lair, they think maybe that whole "fair and open" clause isn't something they want to do. So taking the Bush administration as a lead, they're plugging their ears, breaking the rules and basically telling the FCC to back peddle on their decision.

Google's not really happy, feeling like the little brother who isn't allowed into the tree house. And you shouldn't be happy either, because the Government sold your spectrum under rules that would most benefit us all. And now a money-grubbing bastard company is looking to change those rules to monopolize that asset and lock you into their crappy pay-per-pixel plans.

1 comment:

Kirk said...

i feel like my verizon cell phone just reached out of my pocket and punched me in the balls.
