Thursday, August 14, 2008

Incentive Much?

Hang on a second. Let me get this straight. Citizens of Birmingham, UK did such a great job stepping up to meet the city council's recycling goals that said environmentally concerned council distributed 720,000 congratulation pamphlets? Isn't that kinda like thanking local drivers for reducing gasoline consumption by throwing a lit match into a tanker truck?

Some people may be distracted from this by talk of the £15,000 worth of publications that contain the wrong Birmingham's (AL) skyline, but not me. The fact that they were printed in the first place is obviously more insulting. Next time, how about you print up one pamphlet and just have everyone pass it around and share?

The classic pizza party ploy always got my fourth grade class pretty fired up for whatever they wanted us to do. Or, in the US at least, you could get around 373 kegs of beer with that $28,000. Not sure how your beer unit conversions work over there, but one beer for 52,600 people is a pretty nice reward...

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