Friday, August 29, 2008

That's The Ticket.

McCain choosing Palin as a running mate to ease concerns about his age is like me governing with a child that will be born, not this year, but in the following December. Literally still a twinkle in his father's eye.
the addition ... could ease concerns of some voters who worry about McCain's age. Palin is 28 years younger than McCain
You have to think they aren't mostly fighting ageism with the move, but trying to court those Hilary followers who were already contemplating voting McCain out of spite. I'm not sure what to say about someone who would jump to an ancient maverick conservative just to not vote for Obama. I guess they have different priorities than I do.

So McCain says "You've got a black guy? Well... we've got a woman!" (pulls woman out of tophat) You're right McCain, there are more women in the US than black people; very crafty splitting people's desire for an alternative candidate. But you know me, I've got to look at the flip side of the coin. What about all those folk who thought they were going to be safe with the traditional old white dude ticket? They might have been hoping for someone a little more Republican to round out McCain.

Basically asking certain Americans to chose which they love more: sexism or racism.

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