Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Is There A 4th Of July On Mars?

Sure as shit, there is.
Also, I had a dog named Winston.  Seems like I should continue to name my pets off this chart, if only because its already written out for me.  I am lazy...

Month Naming Conventions Anglicized Roman + additional arbitrary Days
1st Month January 31
2nd Month February
3rd Month March 31
4th Month April 30
5th Month May 31
6th Month June 30
7th Month July 31
8th Month August 31
9th Month September 30
10th Month October 31
11th Month November 30
12th Month December 31
13th Month Winston 30
14th Month Niles 30
15th Month Rumfoord 30
16th Month Kazak 30
17th Month Newport 30
18th Month Chrono 30
19th Month Synclastic 31
20th Month Infundibulum 30
21st Month Salo 30
22nd Month Beatrice 30

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