Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I'm A Screener, Are You A Screener Too?

So I got a call this morning from my GrandCentral number.  (Grandcentral is a servivce that forwards a call to numerous phones, and provides voicemail with other options)  I was using my mouthwash and gathering my items for the day when my phone buzzed in my pocket.  I didn't recognize the caller ID, so I raced to the bathroom and spit before answering.  When I answered I was glad to hear the GC voice remind me of my options: hit three to send the call to voicemail and listen in.  Which is the option I picked and then heard a sheriff's deputy begin to leave a voicemail for me.  Odd.  I pressed * to break into the call and identified myself for the officer. 

"Good morning sir, I'm looking for a Jose {something-or-other} do you have any information on his whereabouts?" 
"Uh... No officer, I don't." 
"I see, well he gave this number as a point of contact so we could reach him." 
"This... isn't even a real number.  I mean, this is an Internet forwarding service.  I live in DC."
"Oh, so you don't know Mr. {something-or-other}?" 
"No I've never heard of him before."
"Alright, sir, thank you for your time.  Have a nice day."
"My pleasure."


And Jose {something-or-other}, if you read the DP, as I assume you do, quit giving my fake phone numbers to the cops.  Its not a nice way to start your day; even if they're not really after you.

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