Tuesday, August 07, 2007

July Purge.

I know, I've got a whole bunch of stuff still from July to get rid of, but it seems a shame to just junk it all.  So here's a big sloppy link dropping fest.

Yeah, astronauts were drunk.  How else would any of these endeavors seemed like a good idea?  And everyone knows that Mir was the party space station, hurling vodka bottles at the ISS.  Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is.  If I need to unwind a little after a basically stressless day at work, these dudes need to get freaking tanked on the job.

We should watch out for dolphins, they're smarter than we think.  And we already think they're pretty freaking smart.  They use tools, they communicate, they're motivated, and they're training humans.  Don't say I didn't warn you.

Some articles just scream Seinfeld to me.  Garbage collection stoppage (it appears Jerry's theory was wrong) and the Today Sponge is back.

The RIAA hates everything that doesn't make them money.  That's right, the RIAA hates puppies and wants to destroy them.  So its no surprise that they hate and want to destroy webcasters.  Especially since webcasters tend to play non-RIAA music.  In a very mafioso "you'll use our service or no service at all" move the RIAA is backing royalty hikes.  So smaller webcasters will be unable to pay the higher fees and driven out of business (even if they don't play RIAA music), further solidifying th RIAA's monopolistic grasp on what music is to be marketed.  They don't care if they get the royalties, just that the webcasters get taken down; which makes less competition for the distribution of music whereby strengthening the RIAA's -say it with me- monopoly on the music industry.
Techdirt: Why Does The RIAA Hate Webcasters? Webcasters Don't Play Very Much RIAA Music

Iron Man the movie.  Kick ass.  I do enjoy how they're taking all my cherished childhood memories and turning them into usually bad theatrical representations.  No, really I do.  Cause it tells me there were a bunch of other dorks who were into it too; and we're all cool now cause we remember.  Plus sometimes the movie doesn't suck too hard.  Anyway, Audi has bought the rights to all the cars in the upcoming Iron man movie.  I've got no problem with a company paying to get their car into the movie (Tony Stark can drive an R8, that's cool) buy it really cheeses me off when they buy the rights to ALL the cars in the film.  I mean, come on, like for that hour and 45 minutes I'm going to forget that there are other cars in the world?

Mad props to this guy, who turned down $5,000,000,000 (AUD) for the mineral rights to his ancestral land in Australia.  He said, nah mate, I've got a job and I can hunt and fish, what else do I need.  The energy company who was interested in Lee's Uranium deposits is probably twisting its evil mustache right now trying to figure out another way to get "moose and squirrel" off land.

Every once in a while I'll get a wicked case of meat sweats, or some other feel-no-so-good condition. (I thought my brain was gonna turn off after a 42oz slurpee this weekend)  But I rarely actually injure myself while eating.  I guess that's the difference between me and the big dogs.

1 comment:

Kirk said...

Slurpee's are "Squishy's" until the Simpsons hype ends.

i reblogged your RIAA rant