Also phone related today, I've backed up my contacts with Verizon's Backup Assistant. This might be the most impressive thing to come out of Verizon since the wireless telephone call. You download an app on the handset, set some options, and then head to a website where all your contacts are there, just begging to be managed in a more efficient way. There are automatic backups and two way syncing, so there's no way I'm gonna lose all my numbers again. Plus I just pasted them all into a csv and uploaded them to my GrandCentral account, so now it knows all the numbers that might call me and can set up filters accordingly. Very exciting.
Makes me think about getting a new phone. So I went over to the Helio site again to drool over the gps enabled maps and web searches they have there. And just to be fair I priced out a Verizon plan. Helio for two years at $65 a month (gotta get the data plan) plus a $245 phone puts me at $1805, while the Verizon $39.99/ month with a $69.99 phone totals out at $1029.75. So the question is, do I need to have access to my email, blazing fast Internet, IM, gps, buddy beacon, and streaming media; and is it worth $800 to me? The adult in me says no but the "goddamn that's cool shit" in me says pony up.
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