Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Torrential Waste Of Time.

So I've got this phone that you can make your own ring tones for, which is good cause the built-in ones suck with fury.  I was looking though my iTunes for songs with kickass openings and remembered that a friend wanted a Home Movies ring so badly it nearly hurt.  So I decided to make her jealous.  I searched for clips on Google and various other sites and all I could find was a torrent of a Bonus CD that listed the track I wanted.  I looked around some more and found various other confusing torrent links at sites that may have been pay-for-service deals.  So after a while I installed the Azureus torrent client and started to initiate the link.  Slow going.  The file is 78 MB and only like 5 people in the world have  it.  Add in the fact that I only want about 21 seconds of it and this starts to seem not worth the trouble.  So I sit and wait; and wait.  About ten minutes go by and there's no progress.

At this point I start to ponder the legal ramifications of this action.  I'm not trying to download the whole CD, just a portion, which could be considered fair use.  (I just have to download bits that I don't want and delete them later)  I also own all four seasons of Home Movies on DVD; they're downstairs right now, so I technically own a copy of this song already... Bonus CD...  Bonus CD... Do I? ... I have this CD in the basement right now.  Why the FUCK am I trying to download it from these non-existent users?

So I go get it, rip the track and email it to my phone in about 25 seconds.  That was a lot easier than screwing around with torrents.  I guess I'm at the point in my life where I'd rather pay for some things rather than screw around and waste my time trying to get them another way.  Course, its helps that I'd already bought this one months ago.

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