Friday, August 17, 2007

Ree Rawt Row Ra Reet...

A lot of times dual purpose items do two tasks half as well as they should. Which means that the usefulness of one item is compromised into two almost half items; not really a good trade-off. But I have to say this transformer couch looks pretty nice. It actually looks like a couch, and it actually looks like a bunk bed. (although I bet those bunks are pretty narrow.) Now lets see it morph into a ghetto blaster whose tapes turn into animals.
P.S. Ever thought about how you'd spell the transformers sound? Yeah, me neither. Luckily the Internet is an indefatigable wealth of knowledge. Also this couch would be 4.7 times cooler and nearly irresistible if it transformed of its own volition accompanied by that noise.

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