Tuesday, August 14, 2007

You Want Fries With That?

"Other states are trying to ban the death penalty, my state is putting in an express lane." ~Ron White.

Yeah, that's a good one, but somehow the Bush administration is seeking to destroy humor as we know it.  Its a clever plan, just implement the punchline of every joke you hear and bam- no more jokes!  They're just statements now.  Like the justice program setting up a death penalty - i kid you not- "fast track".  Apparently we just can't execute people fast enough in this country.  Maybe a drive through window would be a better solution.

We're not just gonna hold and torture people, we're gonna kill them too, consolidating the final decision in the all too fallible attorney general.  Is this sounding more and more like the Spanish Inquisition to anyone?  NOBODY EXPECTS THE WAR ON TERROR!  Our chief weapon is fear.  And surprise.  And wiretapping.  Our three weapons are fear, surprise and wiretapping.  And torture.  And immoral war.  Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, wiretapping, torture, faster executions, and an almost fanatical devotion to Gonzales.

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