Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Son of a whale nipple.  I was waiting around last night for my Tivo to tape Heroes so I could watch it with no commercials.  (yeah, I like superheroes, big deal.  Wanna fight about it?)  But, horrifically, when I flipped the TV on there was no new episode in my list.  Shock.  I switched over to my roommate's Tivo (yeah we have two tivos, big whoop.  Wanna fight about it?) and his Tivo hadn't recorded it either.  Horror.  Skip over to live TV and I find nothing at all coming through the pipe.  Agast.  So the cable is out and my show wasn't taped.  Except everything else I wanted recorded that day came in just fine.  Turns out all the other channels come in fine, its just NBC that has crapped out.  I know, that doesn't make any sense; but equally vexing, NBC has been the only channel that consistently comes in terribly over cable.  WTF?

So I emailed RCN cable and they got back to me with a phone number to call and a series of buttons to press on the handset that's sposed to do a reset.  I personally don't get how that's gonna work and why the dude can't just call the number and press the buttons for me.  Anyway, I went on Amazon and threw down the two bucks for that episode of Heroes on Unbox.  So it'll be waiting for me on my Tivo when I get home tonight.  Course, if I'm gonna end up paying (you know, besides the cable channel I'm paying for) to watch my NBC TV shows I'm just gonna stop watching and buy the DVDs when they come out.  I don't know what I'd do with a Tivo full of content I actually paid for and don't want to delete.

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