Monday, April 16, 2007

Brown Baggin It.

This is kinda an interesting site.  Its called the PB&J Campaign and its devoted to noting the environmental benefits of eating a peanut butter sandwich instead of a meat based lunch.  It says you'd save 2.5 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions over that animal-wich.  And I don't even think that counts driving around for lunch vs packing a sammich.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still all about the beef.  (Heck, I went out for a $36 steak on Saturday and then ordered another to split for dessert)  But it makes me wonder how many days in a row I could have a peanut butter sandwich before losing my mind.

There's all kinds of variations I could pull: strawberry jam, grape jelly, orange preserves, honey, apple butter, bananas, pickles and mayo.  Don't tell me any of that is disgusting till you've tried it.

And actually, no I don't brown bag it any more; I tend to plastic bag it.  That's a reuse before recycle.  Although I'm pretty sure I'm going to move to the bring your own canvas bag route at the grocery.  I mean if they can do it in California, I can swing it here.  Especially now that there are so many cool bags to choose from.
Yes, the onion's is way cheaper than mine, but I swear there's no markup.  Just think of the esotericism and go with your gut.

1 comment:

Kirk said...

dude they made plastic grocery bags illegal in San Francisco. just crazy.