Monday, May 14, 2007

Education Starts At Home.

Awesome, teaching kids how to not be douche bags sounds like a great idea.

"What happened, Daddy?" AJ asked, "I burned the sausage," I said.
He looked at me, wheels turning, assessing the situation. Finally, he went for it and said in his finest Donald Trump, "You're fired!"
Cracked me up.
"You're fired! Hahaha," with that fake laugh of his. "You're fired, Daddy! Fired!"
"Aaron Julius," I said in that well-practiced Authority Voice that dims his eyelids. "What did Daddy tell you about 'funny?'"
Bottom lip out. Words an elusive monotone. "It's only funny the first time."
"Good boy."

This seems like an excellent rule, but I'm not really sure when its best imparted.  Cause babies definitely do not agree, a funny thing is funny each and every time it happens.  Maybe that's why they need to be told about adult humor, rather than just letting them make terrible jokes until they stumble upon the tenet after a long and painful stint in high school.

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