Another case of a school freaking out and then trying to come up with a legitimate reason for their actions. A student made a map of his school for Counter-Strike. The school called the cops and expelled him.
The police found nothing illegal in the student's bedroom, but confiscated five decorative swords in the search. Sword ownership rights have been under heavy fire since they were determined to be the leading cause of death during the Siege of Acre in the third crusade.
Basically knee jerk reactions cause people are scared of everything these days. Maybe this is just our way of sticking it to middle-east extremist terrorist groups. You can't frighten us cause we're already more scared of ourselves than we'll ever be of you. Or maybe we're slipping back into those good old days of witch-huntery where you'd better accuse someone else of not following the crowd blindly before they decide to dunk you underwater first.
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