Friday, December 07, 2007


Ok, let me 'splain you a joke that's been going around my basement for a couple of weeks now. So Natural Light is this pretty cheap beer that we became accustomed to in college for a variety of reasons. (mostly it doesn't taste like hangover and urine to me like bud does. ya bud!) Anyway, the can used to have a design like this:
And eventually they rethought the old classic into something like this:

Oh, yeah that's modern. Sleek and refined and for some reason there are two blue palm fronds behind the busch logo. Stealth bombers? Boomarangs? Its a mystery. Then a while ago they came up with this more moderner packaging on the right:
ROOAAAWRRR! FANGS! Slicker, sleeker and more dangerous! Clearly beer with fangs.
And in case you had any doubt about their fangliness, you need only look as far as a Strong Bad Email for edification.

For those of you unwilling to click the links I give you, Strong Bad as redesigning the "No Loafing" sign to be more "fast and slick and shiny like Flo Jo in a tuxedo" Then at the end he slaps on some fangs with no explanation; because adding fangs makes things awesome and requires no explanation.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is what happened with the Natty Lite design. A bunch of guys were sitting around a board room or a design studio or a stripper pole, where ever these kinds of things get decided. They were making the brand faster and sleeker and then at the end someone slapped on some fangs cause, well obviously things are cooler with fangs, and beer is no exception.


Five Cubed Skipper said...

forget the beer goggles... just get your beer fangs on.

Unknown said...

your site is cooler, as well as faster and sleeker, because it has fangs.