Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Impatience Is A Virtue

That's the story I'm going with, cause I've got impatience to spare. Now as you all know, Arrested Development season three was released yesterday. I am not currently in possession of a copy because I hurt. I don't mean I am hurt. I hurt. I've been going on a wicked regiment of not running or exercising this second half of the summer; a la the summer or George.

So this regatta I sailed in, and kicked ass at, on Sunday has me kinda roughed up. We ended up sailing like 18 miles more than everyone else because our pre-race transportation options fell through and we proceeded to the start under wind power. So we sailed longer, harder, and faster than everyone else out there. Some people just want it more; and those people were us. 8:00 till 3:00 is a full day on a little boat in 15 knots of wind. If you know what I'm talking about, you know what I'm talking about, if not I don't know what I can do for you. Here, read this.

Anyway, I'm stiff all over and really didn't like the prospect of running around to try and find my dvds. So I broke my rule and ordered them from Amazon on Monday, right after I ordered my groceries from peapod. They shipped at 5:15 Tuesday morning, which has me fairly optimistic. So back to my impatience. I looked at my tracking information just now and saw that my package had reached the local sorting facility, about 15 miles from my house. I immediately thought "I wish I could go over there and pick it up, so I'll get it today." Stupid. That's the whole reason you ordered it in the first place. So that you didn't have to drive anywhere and get it. So call my Arrested Development fanaticism into question if you must, but I'm not going anywhere.

Damn! Good job Postal Service! I can't believe that my order showed up today. You guys deserve a cookie. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be busy for the next 285 minutes.

1 comment:

Kirk said...

i did a blog on the UPS tracking thing once. it was the first time i used amazon. i didnt pay for the next day shipping.. but the tracking said it was at the sorting place.. again like you said, 15 minutes from my house. now if it can get from Georgia to Concord CA overnight when i pay for 3 day shipping, why do I have to pay extra for it to NOT sit in a warehouse for 2 days. fuckers.